We provide a series of recommendations when it comes to using maritime transportation services, renting a private boat, or joining a scheduled tour. This will help you avoid inconveniences later on.

9/11/20231 min read

Recommendations when renting a boat:

  1. Research and choose a reliable boat: Before booking your trip, make sure to research and select a trustworthy company or service provider. Read reviews and opinions from other travelers to get an idea of the company's reputation and the quality of their services. You can obtain information from travel agencies, specialized websites, or recommendations from other travelers.

  2. Check safety and licenses: Ensure that the boat meets safety standards and that the crew is properly trained and certified. Inquire about the necessary licenses and permits to operate legally at sea. Verify the presence of life jackets, safety equipment, and emergency measures on board.

  3. Know the sea conditions: Inform yourself about the weather conditions and the state of the sea before boarding. Some boats may cancel or reschedule trips in case of bad weather or dangerous conditions. If you have any concerns or doubts, don't hesitate to contact the company before your trip.

  4. Pack appropriately: Depending on the type of boat you're traveling on, it's important to pack accordingly. Bring comfortable and lightweight clothing, non-slip shoes, sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen), and a light jacket or sweater in case of temperature changes. It's also advisable to bring food and water, especially if the trip is long.

Additional recommendations:

  1. Respect for the environment: During the journey, make sure to respect the marine environment. Do not litter in the water and avoid damaging coral reefs or other marine life. Follow the crew's instructions when encountering protected species and maintain a safe distance to avoid interfering with their natural habitat.

  2. Prepare a first-aid kit: It's recommended to carry a basic first-aid kit in case of emergencies or minor injuries during your boat trip. Include items such as bandages, sterile gauze, disinfectant, pain relievers, and motion sickness medications, among others.

  3. Follow the crew's instructions: During the trip, attentively listen to the crew's instructions and recommendations. They are knowledgeable about safety regulations and are trained to handle any situations that may arise. Respect their instructions regarding where to sit, how to move around the boat, and any other guidance they provide.